
Stato della Strumentazione di Meteo Tecchiena

La pagina mostra lo stato del software e hardware utilizzato per il funzionamento di questo sito.

System Status
Station system up for 24 Days 3 Hours 7 Minutes 31 Seconds
Station system free memory 1.05GB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37S-(build83))
It was last started 19.41.30 04/07/2024.
Data stored: 12380103

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display realtime Attuale 0:00:04 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display (clientrawhour.txt) Attuale 0:00:15 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display (clientrawextra.txt) Attuale 0:00:15 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display (clientrawdaily.txt) Attuale 0:00:15 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display (customclientraw.txt) Attuale 0:00:04 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display FTP (testtags.php) Attuale 0:00:19 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display weather data (dailylog.txt) Attuale 0:00:41 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display Climate data (climatedataout.html) Attuale 0:00:17 12/02/2025 18:04
Weather-Display NOAA report (dailynoaareport.htm) Attuale 17:53:07 12/02/2025 00:11
Weather-Display Month report Attuale 17:53:14 12/02/2025 00:11
Webcam Attuale 0:03:09 12/02/2025 18:01
Record Attuale 18:05:16 11/02/2025 23:59
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
AW-forecast-lang.php File not installed
AW-forecast.php File not installed
check-fetch-times.php V1.54 - 2023-12-11 Need update to V1.57 - 2024-08-28
get-metar-conditions-inc.php V1.21 - 2023-01-03 Need update to V1.22 - 2024-03-08
get-USNO-sunmoon.php V3.05 - 2022-12-27 Need update to V4.00 - 2024-09-16
include-metar-display.php V1.07 - 2022-12-27 Need update to V1.08 - 2024-03-08
OWM-forecast-lang.php File not installed
OWM-forecast.php File not installed
PW-forecast-lang.php File not installed
PW-forecast.php File not installed
quake-json.css File not installed
quake-UK.php File not installed
Use this link for details.

Davis Vantage pro2 Status
Console battery 4.5 Volts
Signal reception 99%